Malware on the rise on Mac OS

Los Malware aumentan en las Mac OS

Malware on the rise on Mac OS Recently, is was published a study made by Computing Security company Malwarebytes, revealing that Apple’s Mac OS are each day prone to receive cyberattacks from cybercriminals. According to this report, the number of attacks increased by 11 last year in Mac OS, in comparison with Windows which it […]

Four computing security dangers that could be present in 2020


What cybersecurity dangers lurk this 2020? This 2020, the cybersecurity landscape becomes even more complicated, because each day techology revolutionizes our enviroment, making us more dependant of it. This happens mainly in those companies that want to adopt these technologies in their informatic infrastructures, but afraid to being devoid and affected by any cyberattack that […]

Android malware impairs Google Authenticator’s verification access

Un malware en Android perjudica el acceso de verificación de Google Authenticator

Android malware impairs Google Authenticator’s verification access Passwords and codes are being stolen by “CERBERUS” malware A trojan virus known as “CERBERUS”, is a malware that is recently worrying Google, because it has the capability to steal generated codes in the “Google Authenticator” app, completely cancelling the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) code. Let’s remember that Google […]

DO NOT open coronavirus-related messages in your e-mail

¡ALERTA! No abras mensajes relacionados al CORONAVIRUS en TU CORREO

¡WARNING! If you receive an e-mail with information about coronavirus ¡DO NOT OPEN IT! Phising attacks become each day more effective and undermine business effort to counter these attacks. Again, the Cybersecurity company Kapersky, referred to this new attack that is putting in check many companies and people around the world, since these cybercriminals use […]

Computing Security for business and public institutions

Seguridad informática para instituciones públicas y empresas

Informatic Security for business and public institutions   Computing Security Agency for business in Chile Each day, cybersecurity threats are increasing, which is why computing security is an important issue that we should address in this technological-changing times. For many companies adapting these changes usually brings more productivity, giving quicker and more efficient solutions when […]

Watch out for ultrasounds in your mobile

Watch out for ultrasounds in your mobile No matter how absurd it may seem, it’s a fact that ultrasounds are currently used to attack our mobiles and make them vulnerable without our knowlegde. Recently, a report was publishedin which indicates that, security in our mobiles will be harmed by these ultrasonic attacks which are out […]

Chilean women stand out as guarantors of Cybersecurity

Mujeres chilenas se destacan como garantes de la Ciberseguridad

Chilean women stand out as guarantors of Cybersecurity The year 2019 ended awarding 28 specialist women in cybersecurity. The entity promoting this award was the Alianza Chilena de Ciberseguridad (Chilean Alliance of Cybersecurity) or ACC and the award contest highlighted the work done by the femenine professionals who work on protection and security of human […]

I am a startup, What i must do regarding security?

Soy una startup ¿Qué debo hacer con respecto a la seguridad?

I am a startup, What i must do regarding security? Cybersecurity for business  Being a startup is hard. Doesn’t have the budget to do everything like a big company, but if it doesn’t seem to be doing things right, then no one will buy from them. This is specially true when it comes about security. […]

What is the role of software tests in cybersecurity?

¿Cuál es el papel de las pruebas de software en ciberseguridad?

What is the role of software tests in cybersecurity? Cybersecurity is the nowadays need, since hackers have raised their arsenal to breach your personal data. It is imperative to know that cyberattacks can occur in different ways, impacting on small and big business. It’s currently known that cybercriminals impose cutting-edge technology to attack digital systems […]