Chilean women stand out as guarantors of Cybersecurity
The year 2019 ended awarding 28 specialist women in cybersecurity. The entity promoting this award was the Alianza Chilena de Ciberseguridad (Chilean Alliance of Cybersecurity) or ACC and the award contest highlighted the work done by the femenine professionals who work on protection and security of human resources and technical resources backed up by new technologies.
The initiative, under the name of “Nominación 2019: Mujeres en Ciberseguridad”, had the goal of incentive the work of women in this area, where male action still dominates.
Generally, the dynamic revolved around the management of a more equal society regarding roles and functions, as well as the integration of women to different areas or fields of development that guarantees th well-being of itself.
Who were present in the ceremony?
During the event, which was presided by Yerka Yukich (ACC), also did a tribute to corporations and institutions where the awarded women do their work.
Also, Mario Farren, presidential Advisor in cybersecurity and Carolina Cuevas, General secretary of the Ministry of Women and Equity participated on this event.
Among the awarded women there were professionals in the fields of law, communications, management and business direction; as well as engineers and teachers from different public organisms.
Challenges in the cybersecurity area for Chile
Among the main proposed and established challenges for this year, there are associated investigations on digital security. The final goal is to achieve a society where Artificial Intelligence and interconnectivity satisfactorily predominate in chilean entities, both public and private, but with emphasis on the first one.
Mario Farren, the presidential advisor, showed big enthusiasm during the course of the event and highlighted the areas where years ago they were unusual to find female presence. He also cheer up chilean women and the world to take down this stereotypes and inhibitions that have lacerated its participation and development in this working areas of vital importance for the nations well-being.
Besides, it was established as a priority for the government to highlight the role of chilean women who work in the executive field; as well as recognizing the enormous potential that they possesin many technology-related areas.
Women and cybersecurity in numbers
In 2019, it was estimated that 12% of the women around the world performed cloud computing functions, 15% in big data systems and 26% in Artificial Intelligence technologies.
Said numbers constitute a considerable goal compared to previous years, although the current purpose is to get 50% of women’s participation in these areas, al least in the chilean side.
On the other hand, it was emphasized the role of social networks as promoters and disseminators in the current scenarioand the international boom that the femenine communityfights for gender equality.