Smart Cities, the cities of the future


Smart Cities, the cities of the future Smart Cities Smart Cities are the cities of the future, which over time, will be integrated into our social environment. This complex system has the ability to adapt to new technologies, improving the different customs that make up our society. In general, these cities have the objective of […]

Can children have cell phones at an early age?

¿Pueden los niños tener teléfonos celulares a temprana edad?

Can children have cell phones at an early age? Technology increases every day and access to these devices seems to have no limits for children. Previously, the concern of many parents was to see their children on television for a long time and they sent them to sleep early, now, everything changes with the use […]

Malware camouflages itself in the Coronavirus

Malware se camufla en el Coronavirus

They discover a Malware that hides in the Coronavirus Given the growing concern of many countries to adopt preventive measures in the case of the coronavirus that has worried a hundred governments, cybercriminals take advantage of this situation to spread preventive messages through the internet with malicious malware. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared […]

Cybersecurity in Latin America: agreement signed between Chile and Colombia

Ciberseguridad en Chile y Colombia: se firma un nuevo acuerdo de colaboración

Cybersecurity in Latin America: agreement signed between Chile and Colombia With the aim of promoting the joint work of both nations in matters of cyber defense and cyber intelligence, Colombia and Chile decide to join forces to work with cyber security in said American nations. The signing of this bilateral agreement has functioned as a […]

5 almost imperceptible signs that you will be attacked by a ransomware

5 señales casi imperceptibles de que serás atacado por un ransomware

What to do if a Ransomware attacks me How to know that Ransomware has infected me Studies carried out on different victims of ransomware show that there are several signals that are repeated when looking through the telemetry records corresponding to previous weeks. A meticulous analysis of the behavior of the system in the days […]

Growing Threat of “Vishing” Warns the FBI and CISA

Creciente amenaza de “Vishing” advierten FBI y CISA

Growing threat of “Vishing” warn the FBI and CISA, as a result of the increase in remote work How to avoid Phishing According to the FBI and CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency), there is a new threat that is attracting the attention of important law enforcement agencies. Said threat is aimed directly at remote […]

Vulnerability in Android, Be careful!

Vulnerabilidad en Android ¡Ten cuidado!

A flaw in the Bluetooth system on Android phones wreaks havoc on your security Most of our phones are susceptible to new updates, whether we have an Android or IOS operating system, there are gaps that can be created where cybercriminals will want to do their thing. Recently, the Information Security Agency (ERNW), located in […]

the richest man in the world has been hacked

Hackeado el hombre más rico del mundo

Billionaire Jeff Bezos has been hacked through a suspicious video sent via WhatsApp Billionaire Jeff Bezos, founder of the Amazon virtual store, was hacked through his iPhone in May 2018, after receiving a message via WhatsApp from the Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman. According to official sources and various cybersecurity experts, the suspicious message […]

VPN Networks

¿Qué es una Red VPN?

¿What is a VPN Network? What are the best VPN networks? VPN networks are private networks that are intertwined with other public networks, such as the internet, allowing you to connect from any remote point on the planet, as if you were connected to a local network. Connecting to a VPN network allows us to […]



RULES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE INTERMINISTERIAL COMMITTEE ON CYBERSECURITY Article 1º.- About the committee’s functions. The “interministerial comittee on cybersecurity” from no won, “the committee” shall have the functions and powers included in the second article of the decree that creates the Committee, consisting of: 1- Advise the President of the Republic, in the […]